Tuesday, December 25, 2012

RFID Frequencies:

There are several frequencies that are used for RFID. These include LF, HF, UHF, and Microwave frequencies. The exact frequencies may vary depending on the country where it is used.

Frequency Range
Typical Applications
<135khz span="span">
Low Frequency, Inductive coupling
Access Control & Security
Widgets identification through manufacturing processes
Ranch animal identification
OEM applications
13.56 MHz
High Frequency, Inductive coupling
Access Control
Library books
Laundry identification
OEM applications
868 to 870 MHz 902 to 928 MHz
Ultra High Frequencies (UHF), Backscatter coupling
Supply chain tracking
2.400 to 2.483 GHz
SHF, Backscatter coupling
Asset tracking
Highway toll tags
Vehicle tracking
Tags: A tag is the data carrier and normally contains the ID number, and unique EPC code programmed into the Tag
Tag Antenna: The tag antenna is connected to the chip in tag. It could be wire or printed using conductive ink.
Reader Antenna: It is a coil included in plastic or similar case, and normally measures 12 -18 inches square
Reader: A reader captures the data provided by the tag within the detectable area of the Reader. There can be one or more tags within the capture area. A reader is typically capable of reading multiple tags simultaneously.
Savant: This is normally a middleware that interacts with the readers, and communicate with External databases.
A simplified block schematic of an RFID tag (also called transponder) is shown in the diagram below. Various components of the tag are as shown. Normally, the antenna is external to the tag chip, and large in size.
The operation of the RFID tag is described below:

Handshaking with the Reader (interrogator):
  • The reader continuously emits RF carrier signals, and keeps observing the received RF signals for data.
  • The presence of a tag (for our discussion, we consider only passive tag) modulates the rf field, and the same is detected by the reader.
  • The passive tag absorbs a small portion of the energy emitted by the reader, and starts sending modulated information when sufficient energy is acquired from the rf field generated by the reader. Note that the data modulation (modulation for 0s and 1s) is accomplished by either direct modulation or FSK or Phase modulation.
  • The reader demodulates the signals received from the tag antenna, and decodes the same for further processing.
Backscatter is one of the most widely used modulation schemes for modulating data on to rf carrier. In this method of modulation, the tag coil (load) is shunted depending on the bit sequence received. This in turn modulates the rf carrier amplitude as shown in the diagram below. The reader detects the changes in the modulated carrier and recovers the data.
The above diagram provides a simplified modulated carrier signals from the RFID tag. As seen in the diagram, the encoded binary digits modulate rf carrier. A 1 is represented with high carrier level, and a 0 is represented by a low carrier level (tag coil shunted). The reader demodulates the signals to recover the data, and note that this data is still encoded. The reader decodes the data using suitable decoder, and forwards it for further processing to a computer (or any backend server).

Introduction to Radio Frequency Identification

RFID, short for Rradio Frequency IDentification, is a technology that enables identification of a tag (that is normally attached with an entity) by using electromagnetic waves. The function served by RFID is similar to bar code identification, but line of sight signals are not required for operation of RFID. Important components of an RFID system are:
  • An RFID reader (also called transceiver) with an antenna and a transceiver,
  • A transponder (Also called a tag) that includes an antenna and a chip)
Given below are the brief differences between the Barcode technology and RFID:

Bar Code
Frequencies used for tag reading
Optical frequencies
Radio frequencies
Type of communication
Line of sight communication
Non-Line of sight communication
Data Volume
Physical limitation exists. It is very difficult to read a very long barcode.
Can carry relatively large volume of data.
Range of data readability
Very limited range, less than a feet or two.
Can be read up to several feet.
Expensive, but likely to cost less as more industries adopt the technology.
The following are the benefits of RFID Systems:
  • Non-line of sight identification of tags.
  • Unattended operations are possible, minimizing human errors and high cost.
  • Ability to identify moving elements that have tags embedded.
  • Larger area of coverage. Up to several feet.
  • Can be used in diverse environments, including live stock, military, and scientific areas.
  • RFID can be used in addition to Bar Code. These two technologies can be complementing each other.
  • Automatic integration with back end software solutions provide end to end integration of data in real time.
  • Expensive compared with Bar code
  • Bulkier, due to embedding of electronic components in the tag. However, with advanced techniques, it is possible to reduce the size, and weight of the tags to a large extent.
  • Prone to physical/electrical damage due to environmental conditions. For example, tags that are subjected to space exploration may encounter extreme temperatures. The tags required to be designed for a given application, and may be costly when designed for use under extreme environmental conditions.
·         Active and Passive RFID Tags:
·         There are primarily two types of RFID tags. One is active and the other is passive. An active tag is powered using internal battery, where a passive tag gets energized using a the power from a tag reader. A passive RFID tag will not have a battery or any kind of power source by itself. It extracts the required energy from a reader. Hence, a passive RFID tag reader must be able to emit stronger electromagnetic signals, and in return, identify very weak signals from the passive RFID tag.
·         Given below are the primary differences between a Passive and Active RFID tags:

Passive RFID
Active RFID
Power Source
External (Reader provided)
Internal (Battery)
Tag Readability
Only within the area covered by the reader, typically up to 3 meters.
Can provide signals over an extended range, typically up to 100 meters..
A passive tag is energized only when there is a reader present.
An active tag is always energized.
Magnetic Field Strength
High, since the tag draws power from the electromagnetic field provided by the reader.
Low, since the tag emits signals using internal battery source.
Shelf Life
Very high, ideally does not expire over a life time.
Limited to about 5 years, the life of a battery.
Data storage
Limited data storage, typically 128 bytes.
Can store larger amounts of data.
Slightly bulky (due to battery)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Konfigurasi Juniper di GNS3

Hi, All

     Juniper LAB in GNS3 Installation video with networking......
     Click Here To download ConfigurationVideo
Download all the required software from the Links mentioned below and
keep all in a folder.
(Thanks for all forum related to gns3 juniper discussion)
1. Junos file part1--http://www.4shared.com/file/aw3BfhNQ/jinstall-101R18-domestic-olive.html
    Junos file part2--http://www.4shared.com/file/GG0Fdbik/jinstall-101R18-domestic-olive.html
    Junos file part3--http://www.4shared.com/file/uuzrjuu7/jinstall-101R18-domestic-olive.html

2. BSD OS-- ftp://ftp-archive.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD-Archive/old-releases/i386/ISO-IMAGES/4.11/4.11-RELEASE-i386-miniinst.iso
3. HJsplit-- http://www.4shared.com/file/W27ckARB/hjsplit.html
4. ISO creator--http://www.4shared.com/file/5sIyV3W0/freeisocreator.html
5.Installation steps--http://www.4shared.com/document/o4D2jryl/Juniper_gns3_steps.html
6. Juniper Router Installation Logs --http://www.4shared.com/document/y0p-TnAu/juniperinstallation.html
7.Qemu --http://www.4shared.com/file/N87Z9Fv4/qemu-0110patchedwin32.html
Steps for installing BSD OS in qemu:
* Extract qemu-0.11.0.patched.win32.zip and Keep as folder named Qemu.
* Place 4.11-RELEASE-i386-miniinst.iso inside qemu folder.
* To create Junos Binary image apply the below command
     qemu-img.exe create junos-binary.img -f qcow2 8G

* Now junos-binary.img is created with max space of 8Gb.
* To insert BSD OS cd use the below command
     qemu -m 256 -hda junos-binary.img -cdrom 4.11-RELEASE-i386-miniinst.iso
Press ctrl+alt to come out of qemu window.
* choose express installation
* Press A
* Press Q
* Enter Standard installation.

Now partion creation:
* press c
Type 2048M select FS mount point /
* Again press c
Type 1024M select swap
* Again press c
Type 100M select FS mount point /config
* Again press c
Selct remaing space selct FS mount point /var

selct Q

* Selct option 8----> Users
for port collection say NO.
then select exit
* select Installation media as CD/DVD
* User confirmation requested press- yes
Installation started..........
* User confirmation requested press- yes
* set the root password
Then Exit...
Now BSD is installed in virtual machine.
Steps to install Junos OS in BSD OS:
* Use Hjsplit.exe to join all the splitted junos os  file.
* Use freeisocreator.exe to make junos os into iso image so that we can mount like cd and install it
   ,instead of going for ftp to load that file into junos-binary.img
* Place junos.iso inside quemu folder.
* Use below command to boot junos-binary.img with junos.iso as mounted as CD.
    qemu -m 256 -hda junos-binary.img -cdrom junos.iso

Steps to untar the signed junos image in iso :
#mount /cdrom
#cd /var/tmp
#mkdir junos
#cd junos
#tar zxvf /cdrom/jinstall-10.1R1.8-domestic-olive.tgz

Then untar the unsigned image:
#mkdir jinst
#cd jinst
#tar zxvf ../jbundle-10.1R1.8-domestic.tgz
Extract the pkgtools.tgz file and replace the checkpic binary inside with /usr/bin/true :
#mkdir pkgtools
#cd pkgtools
#tar zxvf ../pkgtools.tgz
#cd bin
#cp /usr/bin/true ./checkpic
#cd ..

Create tar for pkgtools then remove the directory:
#tar zcvf ../pkgtools.tgz *
#cd ..
#rm -rf pkgtools(remove that folder)

Create tar for the new jinstall package with modified checkpic
#tar zcvf /var/tmp/juniper.tgz *
(Will take more time to zip depend on system config)
Then install the new jinstall with bsd pkg_add tool:
#pkg_add -f /var/tmp/juniper.tgz

Will take some time to process.......
It will ask to reboot to continue the installation.
#init 6
then after it started reboot just close the qemu.
Now put the below command and see the installation of junos

qemu -L . -m 512 -hda junos-binary.img -serial telnet:,server,nowait,nodelay –localtime

* now telnet 1001 to see the installation
One installation is finished and prompt is returned press Crtl+Alt+2 then type “q” press enter

Now junos-binary.img is ready for gns3.
Steps for adding 2 juniper router in gns3 with external world communication::(GNS3 version 0.7.2)
* copy the junos-binary.img separately and rename as juniper1.img
* Again copy junos-binary.img in same folder and rename as juniper2.img
* Open GNS3 and go to Edit-->Preference-->quemu-->junos-->add the juniper1.img then press ok.
* Now drag and drop 2 juniper router in workspace and edit 2nd router config and change binary from   juniper1.img into juniper2.img
* Also drag and drop cloud for local ethernet card integration.

Juniper2- is in my host NIC card LAN)
Reachablility between all are present Now..

--------------------------------------->I made simple connectivity config and now  run as many as u can and test MPLS and BGP and enjoy.

Once again thanks to gns3 team and all forum related to gns3 juniper discussion.

All the best.

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