Tuesday, December 11, 2012


{UK. Regional Office}
Microsoft Campus
Thames Valley Park


Winner No: 02,

Microsoft Corporation wish to notify all online customers as we celebrates the 35th year anniversary 2012; and also to inform you that you have emerged one of the beneficiary Selected in this ongoing 35th Anniversary Program in conjunction with the Foundation of Software Products (F.P.S.) The Microsoft internet E-mail draw is held periodically and is organized to encourage the users of the Internet and promote computer literacy worldwide. Your e-mail addresses was-pick randomly by software powered by the Internet.

A Cheque will be issued in your name by Microsoft Corporation Board UK (MCSP), you have therefore won the entire sum of 1, 000,000, 00(One Million Great British Pounds Sterling) which consequently won in the 2nd category.

Contact: Dr Gordon Frazer Via
Phone:    +447012945472

Provide below information for validation of your prize

.Residential Address:

.Tel (Mobile):


.Full Name:



Alternative email account if any:

.What is Your comment On Microsoft Products?: 

You are required to scan and send to us any means of Identity of yours for Identification purpose, it can either be your International Passport, drivers License or Pan card for Identification purpose, or any other means of Identity but it must be a valid one. Do send it to us immediately so that we can inform you on the next step to follow by email or telephone.

Note: your award security information (Data File Number: UK/9420X2/68, Ref.Code:0087955827499, Grant Number: MSC/0080648302/12)

To file for your claim, Please contact your Validating Officer for VALIDATION of your winning within Twenty-nine working days of this winning notification. Winnings that are not validated within Twenty-nine working days of winning notification are termed void and invalid. You are required to mention the above particulars of your award in every correspondence to enable the Agent validate your winning.

For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claim is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever choice you want to claim your prize, Precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program are in place. Please be warned!!!

The Microsoft Internet E-mail lottery Awards is sponsored by our CEO/Chairman, Bill Gates and a consortium of software promotion companies.

Congratulations once again from the entire management and staff of Microsoft Corporation to all our lucky winners this year and thanks you for being part of this Promotional lottery Program. Our special thanks and gratitude goes to Bill Gates of Microsoft and all his associates for alleviating poverty around the world through this promotion..

                         (N B) You are hereby advised not to disclose the content of this Prize Award until your money  have been      remitted to you re account to avoid disqualification that will arise from dual claim.
Signed By Dr.  Michel Van der Bel]            
Managing director, Microsoft UK and vice
president, Microsoft International                                                                                        
©2012 Microsoft Corporation®

Information Search and Analysis Skills

Introduction to ISAS
The technologies ini the computer industry are constantly changing. The most daunting challenge faced by computer professionals is therefore to keep pace with these changing technologies. And, the information on changes has to be available easily and at the right time. Sources, such as newspapers, magazines, periodicals, books and internet prove sufficient in providing information-anytime, anywhere information.
In addition, changes in technology have led to a continuous change in manpower skill requirements. The current strategies adapted by individuals to acquire skills are either:
·         Building a strong foundation with a basic skill set and enhancing the skill set by acquiring skills in areas as required by the industry. In this case, the individual can comfortably adapt to new technology.


·         Identifying the current industry requirement and acquiring just-in-time training that meets the here-and-now requirements of the industry. Here, the danger lies in the fact that the individual may not be able to adapt to the changing technology and therefore be forced to change his/her field of specialization.
Therefore, it is implied that the one skill that a computer professional must possedss is the ability to search for information. Gathering information is a skill that needs to be develped.
Where food grain was in abundance in the agricultural age, information abounds in the information age with more information available than can be handled, the need for understanding and extracting the relevant piece of information is very important.
With multiple sources of information, the need also arises for an individual to cross-reference to other sources of information for a complete understanding and generate and create an abstract to present conclusions on the information researched from different sources. Information consolidation is yet another skill that an information technology professional should posses.
The ISAS (Information Search and Analysis Skills) course from NIIT aims to do just this-impart skills on reading, cross-referencing, abstracting, summarizing and presenting conclusions about he latest technological developments.
The Information Search and Analysis Skills (ISAS) course is NOT a course that is taught to you in the manner of the conventional courses. In this course, the emphasisi will shift from teacher-oriented methods to student-oriented methods. While the information-skills acquired by all students will be the same, the actual methods and techniques used by each student will vary according to his/her initiative, and various other parameters-individual/group projects allotted, effort put in, enthusiasm shown, discussions held, and so on.
This module will enable students to acquire information skills in a systematic and consciously planned manner. Other than learning the technical inputs of conventional courses, it is essential for students to learn something about the professional world into which they have to enter ultimately. Incidentally, unlike technical skills, which soon become obsolete with rapid changes in technology, these skills would be a life-long asset to him/her-in fact, they grow with age. Besides the acquistion of these information skills, the ISAS course enables the student to gain considerable IT-World Knowledge. Such knowledge not only infuses confidence into the student to face job interviews and the like, but also enables ready acceptance of him or her into the world of the IT Professional.

Kiat Sukses Usaha Donat

·      - Niat kuat, upaya giat, dan tidak takut gagal. Jadi, beranilah untuk memulai, jangan hanya menjadi angan-angan.
·        - Jangan campurkan keuangan bisnis dengan keuangan pribadi anda. Sejak dimulainya usaha, buatlah semacam pembukuan sederhana, rapi, dan mudah dipahami untuk mengetahui jalannya usaha anda. Catat semua pemasukan (uang pembayaran dari pelanggan) dan pengeluaran.
·    - Jika terjadi kerugian, jangan buru-buru menutup usaha anda. Pelajarilah melalui buku keuangan tersebut, apa kiranya yang membuat usaha anda merugi. Bisa jadi karenacara belanja bahan yang tidak cermat, tenaga yang kurang efisien, atau cara berjualan yang ‘kurang gencar’. Dari sini, anda bisa membetulkan kesalahan-kesalahan yang terjadi, lalu mulai lagi dengan cara-cara yang lebih tepat.
·      - Jaga konsistensi kualitas donat anda. Usahakan selalu dalam keadaaan baru, tidak keriput. Dan jangan lupa, buat donat anda lebih bervariasi dengan banyak pilihan topping dan isi untuk menarik minat pembeli. Buat donat tidak hanya dengan bahan dasar tepung terigu, tetapi juga dari bahan utama jagung, ubi, kentang, atau ketan hitam.
·        - Pelajari pesaing anda atau penjual snack sejenis agar bisa menentukan strategi dan ukuran usaha yang akan dibuat. Pantau harga yang mereka tetapkan. Selanjutnya, tekan margin keuntungan sedemikian rupa hingga harga donat anda dapat bersaing dengan kualitas yang tetap terjaga.
·        -  Kemas donat denga kemasan yang menarik. Sediakan pula hiasan cantik untuk pembeli ‘paket’. Buat wadah dengan tutup tembus pandang, misalnya terbuat dari mika hingga kecantikan donat langsung tampak tanpa membuka kemasannya. Tentu saja harga kemasan ini dimasukkan ke dalam biaya produksi.
·        -  Untuk pesanan-pesanan khusus atau layanan antar, jaga ketepatan waktu. Keterlambatan mengurangi kepercayaan pelanggan, bahkan bisa berarti anda kehilangan pelanggan. Demikian juga untuk titip – jual  ke warung atau toko -  toko kue, usahakan tepat waktu sehingga pelanggan tahu setiap pukul berapa donat anda tersedia.
·         - Beri bonus atau diskon khusus bagi pelanggan setiaa anda yang memesan secara rutin, misalnya sekolah, perkantoran, dan organisasi.

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